1966-71 Land Rover 2A Main Harness, Diesel w/ Alternator (LR213PBA)

1966 - 1971 Land Rover 2A Diesel with an Alternator
1966-71 2A Main; Petrol w/ Alternator; Suffix D-H; (LR203PBALT)

1966-71 Land Rover Main Wiring Harness for 4 cyl Vehicles with Suffix D up to and including H 2.25 Litre, negative earth, Converted for Alternator, takes 1488 or 1489 body harness PVC wire, Braided Wrap (PB)
1966-71 2A Main Harness, Petrol with Alternator Conversion (LR203PPALT)

1966-71 Main Wiring Harness Short and Long Wheelbase For 4 cyl Petrol engine vehicles with Suffix D up to and including H 2.25 litre, negative earth, Converted for Alternator, Tape Wrap, Takes 1488 or 1489 body harness
1966-71 Series 2A Main Harness, Diesel (LR213PP)

1966-71 Land Rover Series 2A Main Wiring Harness Short and Long Wheelbase for 4 cyl DIESEL engine vehicles with Suffix D up to and including H 2.25 litre, negative earth, generator, takes 1488 or 1489 body harness PVC wire, PVC Wrap (PP)
1966-71 Land Rover 2A Main Harness, Diesel (LR213PB)

1966-71 Land Rover Series 2A Main Wiring Harness Short and Long Wheelbase for 4 cyl DIESEL engine vehicles with Suffix D up to and including H 2.25 litre, negative earth, generator, takes 1488 or 1489 body harness PVC wire, Braided Wrap (PB)
1966-71 2A Main Harness, Petrol, (LR203PP)

1966-71 Land Rover Series 2A Main Wiring Harness Short and Long Wheelbase for 4 cyl Petrol engine vehicles with Suffix D up to and including H 2.25 litre, negative earth, generator, takes 1488 or 1489 body harness PVC wire, PVC Wrap (PP)
1966-71 2A Main; Petrol; Harness Suffix D through H (LR203PB)

1966-71 Land Rover Series 2A Main Wiring Harness for 4 cyl Petrol vehicles with Suffix D up to and including H 2.25 litre. Negative ground. Generator. Takes 1488 or 1489 body harness PVC wire, Braided Wrap (PB)
Battery Cable Set; Negative Ground (BC46)

Negative Ground Battery Cable Set
Battery Cable Set; Positive Ground (BC45)

Positive Ground Battery Cable Set
Land Rover 2A Body Wiring Harness LWB 109" (1489PP)

Land Rover Series 2A 4 cylinder Suffix A through H Body Wiring Harness Long Wheelbase - 109" PVC wire, PVC Wrap (PP)
Land Rover 2A Body Wiring Harness LWB 109" (1489PB)

Land Rover Series 2A 4 cylinder Suffix A through H Body Wiring Harness Long Wheelbase - 109" PVC wire, Braided Wrap (PB)
Land Rover 2A Body Wiring Harness SWB 88" (1488PP)

Land Rover Series 2A 4 cylinder Suffix A through H Body Wiring Harness Short Wheelbase - 88" PVC wire, PVC Wrap (PP)
Land Rover 2A Body Wiring Harness SWB 88" (1488PB)

Land Rover series 2A four cylinder Suffix A through H Body Wiring Harness Short Wheelbase 88" PVC wire, Braided Wrap (PB)
Hazard Warning Relay Harness (LR224)

Auxiliary Harness for Hazard Warning Relay and Switch. Designed to add a Hazard Warning system to an existing harness. Suitable for all Series 1, 2 and 2A Land Rovers equipped with turn signals. Manufactured with PVC wire, with a Braided Cloth wrapping.
1961-65 Land Rover Series 2A Tow Bar Harness (LR223)

1961-65 Land Rover Series 2A Tow Bar Harness Extends turn signal wires as well as park and stop light wires PVC wire, Braided wrap (PB)
Battery to Solenoid Cable; Negative Grnd; (BC46A)

Battery to Solenoid Cable for Negative Ground Land Rover Series 2A Trucks.
Land Rover Series 2 & 2A Headlamp and Turn signal Pigtail Set (LR220PP)

Land Rover Series 2 Set of sidelamp, turn signal & headlamp pigtails for headlamps in GRILLE Headlamp plugs installed PVC wire in a PVC Sleeve
Land Rover Series 2A Pigtail set for headlamps in Wings (LR221)

Land Rover Series 2A Front Pigtail set for headlamps in Wings Includes pigtails for headlamps and side lamps
No headlamp plugs installed
PVC wire, PVC Wrap
Ignition Switch to Starter Cable (BC46D)

Ignition Switch to Starter Cable for Series 2A Land Rovers
Battery Ground Cable; Negative Ground Trucks (BC46B)

Battery Ground Cable for Negative Ground Land Rover Series 2A Trucks.
Chassis Ground Cable (BC46C)

Chassis Ground Cable for Series 2A Land Rovers
Land Rover Ignition Switch Wiring Sub Harness (1493)

Ignition Switch Sub Harness for Land Rover Series 2A 4 cylinder Suffix D through H. Manufactured with PVC wire, with a PVC tape wrap.
Land Rover Series 2A Wiper motor sub-harness for 2 speed wiper motor (LR222)

Land Rover Wiper motor sub-harness for 2 speed wiper motor PVC wire, PVC Wrap (PP)
Series 2 / 2A RHD Dip Switch Lead (101-6000)

Right Hand Drive Dip Switch Lead
Series 2 / 2A LHD Dip Switch Lead (101-6001)

Left Hand Drive Dip Switch Lead
Turn Signal Switch Lead (4-Wire) (LR227)

Four Wire Turn Signal Switch Lead for Land Rover Series 2A Trucks.
Turn Signal Switch Lead (5-Wire) (LR226)

Five Wire Turn Signal Switch Lead for Land Rover Series 2 and 2A Trucks.